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    Lethbridge Bylaw #6239 - Temporary Mandatory Face Coverings


     All Attendees must follow public guidelines while at the show


The bylaw includes some exemptions to the mandatory use of face coverings, which include:

  •  Anyone under the age of two;

  •  Anyone unable to place, use, or remove a face covering without assistance;

  •  Anyone unable to wear a face-covering because of an underlying medical condition or disability or other protected ground under the Alberta Human Rights Act;

  •  Anyone consuming food or drink in designated areas or as part of a religious or spiritual ceremony;

  •  Anyone engaged in aquatic activities or physical exercise;

  •  Anyone providing care or assistance to a person with a disability where a face covering would hinder that caregiving or assistance;

  •  Anyone engaging in services that require the temporary removal of a face covering;

  •  Anyone who is sleeping or in bed at a homeless shelter;

  •  A child who is older than two years of age but younger than five years of age chronologically or developmentally and who refuses to wear a face covering and cannot be persuaded to do so by their caregiver, and;

  •  Anyone leading in worship provided physical distancing of at least two metres is possible.

As per provincial government recommendations, wearing a mask or face covering outdoors when physical distancing cannot be maintained is also encouraged.

       We Do Not Supply Masks or PPE to the Public

Masked Tiger.jpg


      For your Saftey:


  • 8 foot dividing draped walls between different booths/companies.

  • Wider aisles, larger booths, and directional signage.

  • Signage, floor markings and verbal announcements to support physical distancing.

  • Physical distancing barriers/markers at the food area & stage.

  • We are and have always been a disposable show. We supply our artists free of charge supplies to make your experience sterile and safe. For a full list of supplies please refer to our exhibitor kit. 

  • Work areas and equipment are wiped down with disinfectant between each client.

  • Limited capacity to allow for social distancing throughout the event.

  • Hand sanitization stations at entrance and food areas.

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